The Land
Southwest Anderson Plain
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Ge'atat dilee, the last lake on the Kugaluk River before it begins its run to the sea. You can see some of the hills that are characteristic of the Hyndman Lake Uplands.

Fireweed, as its name suggests, thrives after the passage of a forest fire. It is also common in areas which have been extensively disturbed by human activities.

Debate has long existed about the distribution of moose throughout northern Canada. Some believed that moose had only recently expanded its range. However, archaeological evidence shows that moose has been in this region for centuries.

This ermine or least weasel has been caught in the act of stealing an egg from a duck's nest. His brown coat will change to white when winter sets in. Other important fur-bearers in this region include beaver, marten, lynx, wolf, fox and muskrat.